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As invited by the Computing programme, Mr. Peter DeRaedt from the Gaming Standard Association (GSA) has given a talk to the Computing students on 20 September 2017 in the Lecture Theatre 3, Wui Chi Building, Macao Polytechnic Institute (MPI). His topic was about how to reshape the digital business of the gaming industry using technology. 

Mr. DeRaedt has pointed out that by combining traditional casino games with new technologies, we can produce new forms of games that are more appealing to the new generation of players. Recently, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are hot in the World. It is likely that they would offer incredible opportunities for creating a totally new immersing experience, allowing for virtual interaction within the walls of any casino property. For example, using AR applications, we can map statistical data on a roulette table or black jack table. In this way, a player has more information on the outcomes of that particular table and he would feel empowered. Gaming will shift from game centric to system centric to player centric. 

Mr. DeRaedt also emphasized that the global market size of the gaming industry is estimated to be MOP$635 billions by 2022, in terms of gaming revenue. As Macao is taking the biggest share in the World gaming market, it will bring more opportunities to Computing students in Macao, especially whom majoring in the gaming technology. 

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Technology is Next Generation

Macao Polytechnic University is teaching computer science with a specialization in gaming—a unique course of study born of a unique collaboration with the industry