由全國高等學校計算機教育研究會、海峽兩岸暨港澳地區大學生計算機創新作品賽組織委員會主辦;澳門電腦學會及全國各省市計算機協會聯合主辦;澳門理工大學承辦的 “2024(第19屆)海峽兩岸暨港澳地區大學生計算機創新作品賽”總決賽於7月24至25日在澳理大舉行,為全國青年科創人才提供科技競賽及合作的平台。澳門理工大學、廣東工業大學、香港浸會大學等十六所高等院校隊伍獲得一等獎。
Read more ...An Interest Group on "Build up a Chatbot"
Our program will organize an Interest Group on "Build up a Chatbot". This interest group provides a tutorial of building up a chat bot. During the lectures, you can enjoy developing your own mini-project with knowledge you have learnt, getting interests in web technologies. At the end of this interest group, you will have your unique chat bot, and the ability to expand it with various fantastic functions.
Please see the poster for more information.
The interest group consists of at least five sessions, each session will take at least one hour.
If you are interested, please register through the following link: by September 16, 2024.