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Four key members of the Hong Kong Youth Aviation Academy (HKYAA) Limited visited the Gaming and Entertainment Research and Development Lab of our Computing Program on March 27, 2017. Two of them are Boeing 777 captains. HKYAA is formed by professionals in the Hong Kong aviation industry with missions to inspire people by exploring different areas of aviation, and to promote aviation interests and the pursuit of aviation knowledge.

During the visit, HKYAA members highly appreciated the realistic simulation and the effectiveness of the newly installed Cessna 172 Simulator in training new pilots. They shared with us their experience as pilots and trainers in the aviation industry. We showed our vision on the flight simulator from the software engineering perspective, how the development and configuration upon such a product can help us deliver the key knowledge and skills in computing to our students and provide a platform for research in multimedia and virtual reality to our colleagues. Both parties exchanged ideas broadly on the potential applications of flight simulators and expressed the strong willingness to search for further collaboration opportunities.

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Technology is Next Generation

Macao Polytechnic University is teaching computer science with a specialization in gaming—a unique course of study born of a unique collaboration with the industry