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Software is considered to be critical as it plays a very important role in our daily lives. Upgrades or changes to such software are expensive and risky. It is essential to have adequate tools and methodologies to be used in the design and implementation of software systems.

MPI invited a scholar, Professor Mike Hinchey from University of Limerick, on 28th of March to give us a lecture on how to build resilient Space exploration systems. He addressed a research agenda for building software in computer-based systems that is safe and highly reliable and retains this reliability as it evolves, either over time or at run-time.

Professor Mike Hinchey is the Director of Lero-the Irish Software Research Centre and Professor of Software Engineering at University of Limerick. Prior to joining Lero, Professor Hinchey was the Director of the NASA Software Engineering Laboratory; he continues to serve as a NASA Expert. In 2009 he was awarded NASA's Kerley Award as Innovator of the Year.

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