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The 2022 Pan-Pearl River Delta+ University IT Projects Competition Final has been held in Macao Polytechnic University and finished successfully. It was co-organized by the Computer association from 15 provinces and cities in China, including Guangzhou, Yunnan, Hainan, Guangxi, Guizhou, Fujian, Jiangxi, Hunan, Sichuan, Jiangsu, Chongqing, Hubei, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Macao. More 10,000 students participated in this competition and only 58 teams could advance into the Final.

For detail, please click here.

The teams from Macao Polytechnic University made the best achievement in the competition. The project, called “Indoor Navigation System based on UWB and Computer Vision for Visual Impaired People”, from Zhang Boliang, Chen Lingxiao and Lin Zhoulin won the 1st prize award and the Most Practical Valuable award. It assists visually impaired people to move freely indoor. Another project, called “Multi-Constraint Travel Scheduling Platform based on Genetic Algorithm”, from Leong Hang Pan won the 2nd prize award.



促進大灣區科創人才培養 由澳門理工大學及澳門電腦學會聯合承辦的"2022泛珠三角+大學生計算機作品賽總決賽"圓滿舉行,該比賽由全國高等學校計算機教育研究會、泛珠三角+大學生計算機作品賽組織委員會、廣東省計算機學會、香港互聯網專業協會、台灣網絡智能學會、雲南省計算機學會、海南省計算機學會、廣西計算機學會、貴州省計算機學會、福建省計算機學會、江西省計算機學會、湖南省計算機學會、四川省計算機學會、江蘇省計算機學會、重慶計算機學會、湖北省計算機學會協辦。作品賽吸引全國各地一萬多名大學生參加,來自包括廣東、江西、福建、湖南、海南、貴州、雲南、四川、重慶、廣西、湖北、江蘇,以及香港、澳門、台灣地區等十五個省市及地區超過五十八隊晉級總決賽參賽隊伍施展渾身解數。參賽隊伍展現的科技創新實力,有助促進泛珠三角地區、粵港澳大灣區及全國創新人才的互動及專業發展,進一步提升大學生專業水平,為業界培養優秀科創人才起積極作用,有效提升創新科技發展競爭力。



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Technology is Next Generation

Macao Polytechnic University is teaching computer science with a specialization in gaming—a unique course of study born of a unique collaboration with the industry